Sunday, October 20, 2013

BBS - Just Checking In

Hello all,

For those of you who still see the blog, if in the future there's an event going on for our guild members, I'll post details and what not in the blog to keep track of future events.

I hope you enjoy the winter season as much as I am! :)



  1. I still see this blog from time to time even though I don't play as much.

    1. It's good to hear you're alive and well yello. :)

  2. Winter is amazing. There's breaks and holidays and power outages and colds and other sicknesses. And snow. Can't forget the one thing that makes winter winter (although its been years since I've seen a snowstorm give my town more than a couple inches or a decent snowstorm during winter).
    The blog's so quiet...

    1. Aww, stay safe and do your best not too get drastically ill. :/

      I don't mind if the blog is quiet. FB seems to be more popular for the alliance, I plan on using this blog more for big updates, and ongoing events we'll have in the future.

